Wednesday, February 18, 2009

So our trip to Disney World was lots of fun. We saw and did everything that we wanted to, and more. Molly met everyone she wanted to and Brady got more out of it then I thought that he would. It was a real blessing to have Grandma and Pop Pop there, it was more fun with them and the extra hand made all of the difference. I don't think that the trip would have been any where near as enjoyable without them. So after vomit, bird poo, fender benders and nutty RV drivers we made it home and we are very thankful for it. You all are lucky, I have lots of pictures and limited space. That said to see all of them you need to click the link for Older Posts at the bottom of the page. I believe there are 3 pictures that didn't fit and they are very cute.

1 comment:

Gramma & Pop Pop said...

I just realized I put my comments by the wrong pictures. So... why should I change now. Our Cinderella was so cute. I know she enjoyed her special dinner with her wonderful Mommy & Daddy, providing her a new toy each day!Thanks for making us a part of a very special vacation. Brady was so good for Gramma & Pop Pop at dinner and all night. Weare truly blessed!